What to Ask a Korean language school or Korean Native Teacher before Selecting Your Choice of Course?
Learning a new language is highly beneficial. It could improve one’s mind and it gives more appreciation to other cultures. One of the most sought out languages is Korean. By learning this language it well helps people understand its culture and concepts. It also gives the people the ability to watch movies, dramas and other entertainment projects that uses this language. It could also improve one’s personal and business relationship that could help open doors for opportunities. There are a lot of ways to Learn Korean Singapore because there a lot of limitless options of Korean Courses in Singapore. In order to know more about these courses it is best to consult a language school or a native teacher before selecting a choice of course.
1. Availability and Scheduling – always ask for the availability and the schedule of the course Inquire if it’s a part-time course or full time course in order to make sure it is suitable for a person’s schedule.
2. Ask if there’s a placement test
Most of the school has placement test to assess one’s ability in a certain language. We have one that can be done over the phone.
3. Course materials and style –Students has different ways of learning it is best to ask the teacher first on what kind of teaching style and course materials he/she was using. It will help the student prepare for the upcoming lessons.
4. L earning environment – Students has varieties of a preferred learning place .Some want a cozy environment some other love being around with other students. It really depends on what is suitable to a student’s taste.
5. Budget – Last but not the least is budget .It is the most important question that students should ask about. They have to make sure that their money could shoulder the courses fee.