Ways To Prepare And Score Well On Your Korean Language Exams

Ways To Prepare And Score Well On Your Korean Language Exams

Korean Class Singapore, Korean Classes In Singapore

Just with any other language, Korean language classes will judge your mastery with a proficiency test, Test of Proficiency in Korea (TOPIK). The TOPIK certificate needs to be presented should you wish to reside in Korea due to official matters, such as entering Korean Universities, employment in Korean companies and public institutions, and obtaining permanent residency in the country. The Korean Language Proficiency Test (KLPT) is also another test similar to TOPIK. Without these certificates, the chances of residing, studying or even working in Korea will significantly dwindle.

Preparing for a non-native language exam may be daunting and overwhelming but scoring well is not impossible. Apart from enrolling in a Korean class and be under the tutelage of experienced native Korean teachers, there are a few things that you can do to ensure you pass with flying marks.

Understand The Exam Format

TOPIK and KLPT have different formats, so be sure not to mix the two of them up! TOPIK has a total of 4 sections: vocabulary and grammar, writing, listening and reading. Each section carries 100 points each, thus adding to a total of 400 points.

KLPT has 5 sections: listening, vocabulary, reading, grammar and conversation. Similar to TOPIK, each section carries 100 points, thus totaling to 500 points.

Head down to their respective sites to have a look at their test types and the scoring rubric to have a better understanding of the ways to score as best as you can.

Practice Your Way To The Goal

Obtaining high scores in TOPIK or KLPT is impossible without any hard work. Now that you know the different sections, you will then have to work on the areas you’re weak in and strengthen the ones that you’re strong in. You may want to pick up a new Korean book every week to read them out loud and hone the skills you’ve picked up at your Korean class. Not only will this help in your vocabulary, grammar and writing, but by practising your pronunciation, you’d also be honing your speech. This is crucial for scoring in the reading and conversation sections of the tests.

This is just one approach you can go about it. Watching your favourite Korean drama also counts as practice, although the extent is undoubtedly smaller than the other methods, such as listening to a podcast or writing essays on a regular.

Simulate Exam Conditions

Ultimately, it’s almost impossible to simulate an exam condition. The stress and pressure of an exam is something that cannot be replicated. What you can afford to do, however, is to practice time management. For instance, write your standard essays and time the entire process. Thereafter, continue practising your essays but do so trying to beat your previous time record. You will not only practice your writing speed, but it will also your brain to think in a more accurate and fast manner.


These are just a few things you can apply to score well in your tests. That said, you will need to gather the necessary information and documentation to sit for the examinations. For instance, the time allocated for each section is something you need to be aware of. Ready the necessary documents, such as a valid form of identification. Don’t be afraid to seek clarification if you are confused.