Where to take Korean Classes in Singapore?

If you’re wondering where you can take Korean Classes in Singapore, you can rest assured knowing you have many options. Many institutions offer beginner’s classes to learn korean in singapore, and they’re relatively easy to locate. You just need to find the right Foreign Language School to fit your budget and life schedule and Korean Explorer must be […]

Where to Learn Korean in Singapore

Are you wondering about where to learn korean in singapore? Whether you are an advanced learner or a beginner looking to hone his or her skills in Korean, there are many learning centres in Singapore to choose from. However, there are a number of things to consider when choosing a Korean language school. You need to […]

Learn Korean Online Vs. Learning with a Teacher

Learning Korean language is easy in contrast with what most people perceived. There are various modern methods to learn Korean nowadays especially online and even the conventional way of learning through language centers and agencies. There are Korean courses in Singapore being offered by native speakers themselves to let the students embrace and understand in depth […]

A Guide to Learning Korean Quicker | Hangul

A Guide to Learning Korean Quicker | Hangul It is a great thing to learn a new language .It helps breaks cultural barriers and it makes a person have broader understanding and appreciation about the other culture that are outside a person’s norm. In learning new languages, The Korean Language is a wonderful choice since […]

Differences between English grammar and Korean grammar

Differences between English grammar and Korean grammar People who are into Korean pop (K-pop) are also sometimes into their food culture and language. For these people, learning the language is also important. Who would not want to watch Korean novellas without looking into the subtitle, or listen to their music that you can understand? English […]

Learning Korean language with Grammar and Phonetics can be quite fascinating

Learning Korean language with Grammar and Phonetics can be quite fascinating Learn Korean in Singapore is complex and quite fascinating, and whether you are learning it for fun or business, there are several steps that you need to complete as a beginner, to grasp the basics. These include: •             The alphabet •             Numbers •             Building vocabulary […]

Learn Korean in Singapore with Some Common Words and Phrases

Learn Korean in Singapore with Some Common Words and Phrases If you are eager to learn Korean in Singapore then there are a few essential words and phrases you will want to get under your belt before you get started. These words and phrases will most certainly come in handy as you start your Korean classes. […]

Basic Facts About The Korean Language

Basic Facts About The Korean Language Korean language is a dynamic language that is spoken natively by 74 million people and is rated 11th in the world in terms of the number of speakers. While it is considered to be the most difficult language for an English speaker to become fluent in, after a few Korean lessons […]

Using English Grammar to learn Korean

Using English Grammar to learn Korean Learning a new language may not be as daunting as you thought if you know how and from where to do it. If you want to Learn Korean in Singapore, know that there are plenty of options available oriented towards teaching at the beginner’s level. If there is one […]