For most people, picking up a new language can be a tricky, stressful and frustrating experience. Especially when you’ve just learnt a new word in class only for you to forget about it later on. As with any learning opportunity in life, it is rare for the learning process to go smoothly, especially in the beginning. However, the good thing about taking up a second language class is that you get to share your enthusiasm for the language with others and learn alongside them.
However, learning is no longer restricted to just the classroom; you can also apply what you’ve learnt to your daily routines to pick up the language at a faster rate. This article will explore some creative tips for picking up a new language.
Memorise a few sentences per day
Set a daily goal of memorising a few words or a few useful sentences. You may be tempted to try and memorise as many words as possible. However, this also increases your likelihood of quickly forgetting them. Start by choosing the phrases you want to use and try applying them in your daily conversations frequently so that you’ll be able to commit them to memory.
Find recipes in the language you are learning
Learning a language isn’t just limited to the classroom. You can learn on the go and even apply those lessons to your day-to-day routines. If you love to cook, you can look up a recipe in the language you’re currently learning. This way, you get to know the names of your favourite dishes, the ingredients as well as the relevant adjectives to describe them.
Turn on closed captions in YouTube
YouTube has revolutionised the learning experience. Nowadays, you can find any information you need on YouTube. However, you may have to sift through a few videos before finding the one that suits your needs. You can opt to turn on the closed captions when watching the video to understand it better. Another crucial feature of YouTube is that you can always pause or slow down the video to better grasp the words they speak.
Join social media groups of language learners
Learning becomes more effortless and fun when you have like-minded individuals motivated and working towards a common goal. There are several social media platforms with groups that can help you pick up the new language faster. Platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are some of the top sites for joining groups geared towards a common goal. Once you find what you’re looking for, you can start contributing and asking questions, as well as read what others have written to boost your confidence and improve your learning.
It can be daunting to learn a second language but don’t give up. With sufficient practice, boundless enthusiasm and the right effort, you can achieve your goal.
If you’re interested in learning a new language, why not learn Korean? At Korean Explorer, we offer Korean classes in Singapore taught by native Korean teachers. We also offer online Korean lessons so you can be learning Korean in the comfort of your home. Sign up and start learning Korean with us today!