Beginner’s Guide to Korean Characters

Beginner’s Guide to Korean Characters

korean language classes

If you have got some free time in your hands, why not look for a new hobby or do something that you’ve always wanted to do? Make yourself productive by engaging in activities that will make you grow as a person. One activity that will never fail you is learning a new language. There are a lot of options for learning a new language out there and you might want to pick something that interests you a lot.

The Korean fever has swept not only the countries in Asia, but the trend has gotten so big worldwide and so many people want to learn the Korean alphabet, Hangul. Because of the sudden increase in the demand of wanting to learn Korean, there has also been a surge in the number of korean classes in singapore in recent years.

Whatever your reason you might have for wanting to learn Korean, first, you must know that the first step that you need to take is to familiarise yourself with Hangul. Learning the Korean alphabet may seem tricky and difficult at first, but it is much easier compared to learning via Romanised Korean.

To help you get started, here are a few basic tips that can help you learn the Korean characters efficiently and successfully:

Start With Doing Research
Before anything else, start everything by doing your own research about the Korean alphabet. It is better to familiarise yourself first with some basic information so you will not feel lost in time that you spend in your formal Korean language classes. Doing a bit of research also arms you with sufficient knowledge so you are ready to take the plunge into your new hobby!

Learn The Common Characters First
Start with the most common characters from the Korean alphabet first before transitioning to difficult ones. Doing so makes it a lot easier for you to retain knowledge and information. Plus, the common characters from the Korean alphabet are the pillars of learning the most difficult ones. Start slow and steady until you get the hang of writing in Hangul.

Read and Read
To help yourself get familiarised with Korean alphabet, you can do a lot of readings even if it’s just simple magazines and easy books. Familiarising yourself with the different strokes and how each character is written will help you get comfortable with the language very quickly.

Watch Helpful Videos
Apart from taking Korean language courses, you may want to supplement your learning by watching helpful videos on the Internet. With a simple click of a button, there are a lot of free resources available for you to use. Watching resource videos are helpful and may serve as a guide to make you learn more about the Korean alphabet.

The key to successfully learning a language is to how much passion and drive you have to want to finish a particular course. It is all about staying interested and maintaining the desire to keep going. You will make mistakes every now and then but this should not hinder you from learning about something that you love!